Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions are applicable to our website “https://futureavo.ae/.” By using the site, you consent to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms, refrain from proceeding. Besides these terms, you are bound to abide by general terms and conditions, including terms of third-party applications that are used to access services provided by the website.
Modification to Terms and Conditions
The Website may change these Terms at any time and without notice. If these terms are revised, the most recent version will be available on the website along with the amendment date. You are exclusively responsible for staying informed about any modifications to these Terms. You will be considered to have read, understood, and consented to all applicable Terms at that time if you continue to use the Website after any modifications to the Terms go into effect.
Permitted Use
You may use the service offered via the Website only if you comply with these Terms. However, you may only use the Website to purchase development, marketing, and support services in agreement with the Terms & Conditions and Policies.
By using the Website or any software/hardware associated with it, you automatically consent that you will not participate in any activities or submit any information or material that disrupts or interferes with the Website or that is intended to do so.
Website Use & Services Offered
FutureAVO’s website is available for personal and professional use by any individual. In case any user violates any policy or Terms & Conditions, we have the right to modify, suspend, or terminate any account or website access. Having said that, if a user fails to abide by the post-sale terms, we may suspend or terminate access to our services and website.
Indemnity & Liability
The website explicitly disclaims all liability for losses or damages of any kind, including consequential, compensatory, actual, punitive, special, incidental. Moreover, the website disclaims all liability for any loss of business opportunity or other losses that you may incur with usage of the website.
By using this website, you consent to defend and hold FutureAVO’s executives, directors, sponsors, business partners, advisors, consultants, or anyone affiliated with our firm from any claims or charges made by any third party regarding:
- Violating these terms.
- Misusing this website.
- Violation of any law.
In case of any queries or concerns, reach out to us through the details mentioned below:
Phone Number: +971 56 133 7226
Email: [email protected]